Sep 2021 - Aug 2024
El proyecto Knowledge Spaces propone nuevos métodos, técnicas y herramientas para crear y explotar grafos de conocimientos, que tendrán un papel vital en la armonización, integración, limpieza, enriquecimiento y explotación de datos y conocimientos de los espacios de datos, convirtiendo estos espacios de datos en verdaderos espacios de conocimiento.
Jan 2021 - Dec 2024
Principal Investigator
AURORAL (Architecture for Unified Regional and Open digital ecosystems for Smart Communities and wider Rural Areas Large scale application) focuses on increasing connectivity and delivering a digital environment of smart objects interoperable services platforms able to trigger dynamic rural ecosystems of innovation chains, applications and services.
Nov 2020 - Oct 2023
Principal Investigator
The COGITO project introduces a real-time digital representation (twin) of a construction project, using methods to ensure interoperability among the different components and technologies constituting the digital twin ecosystem, following the lean construction principles.
Nov 2020 - Oct 2023
OntoCommons is dedicated to the standardisation of data documentation across all domains related to materials and manufacturing.
OntoCommons lays the foundation for interoperable, harmonised and standardised data documentation through ontologies, facilitating data sharing and pushing data-driven innovation, to bring out a truly Digital Single Market and new business models for European industry, exploit the opportunities of digitalisation and address sustainability challenges.
Jan 2019 - Oct 2022
BIMERR has designed and developed an ICT-enabled Renovation 4.0 toolkit comprising tools for Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) stakeholder support throughout the energy efficiency renovation process of existing buildings. It will enforce semantic interoperability among its own tools as well as with third-party ICT tools.
May 2018 - Apr 2021
Principal Investigator
DELTA proposes a Demand-Response (DR) management platform that distributes parts of the Aggregator’s intelligence into a novel architecture based on Virtual Power Plant principles. It establishes a manageable and efficient DR solution and delivers scalability and adaptiveness into the Aggregator’s DR toolkits.
Jan 2016 - Dec 2019
Principal Investigator
VICINITY will build and demonstrate a device and standard agnostic platform for IoT infrastructures that will offer "Interoperability as a Service". It will rely on a decentralised and user-centric approach that offer a complete transparency across vertical domains while retaining full control of the ownership and distribution of data.
Jan 2017 - Dec 2020
En Datos 4.0 se abordaron retos de investigación para dos escenarios: Computación Móvil e Industria 4.0, y retos transversales comunes a la mayoria de las nuevas aplicaciones para obtener soluciones innovadoras que respondan a los nuevos requisitos de la gestión de datos.
Jan 2015 - Dec 2017
Principal Investigator
LPS BIGGER es un proyecto CIEN que pretende lograr un avance en las áreas del marketing multicanal en tiempo real, la explotación de la influencia social en la publicidad en red, la optimización de actividades en el sector retail, la optimización de la gestión de proyectos de ingeniería de software y los sistemas educativos avanzados en el marco del Big Data y la aplicación de la tecnología y metodología de LPS.
Jan 2014 - Dec 2016
El objetivo del proyecto coordinado es desarrollar soluciones innovadoras que afronten los retos planteados en la gestión de datos en la nueva Sociedad Digital caracterizada por el gran volumen de datos accesibles, de calidad y proveniencia heterogénea y cuya integración puede producir un valor añadido que todavía no está siendo aprovechado.
Oct 2013 - Sep 2015
READY4SmartCities operates in a European context where other initiatives are currently running in order to create a common approach on Smart Cities. One of the objectives is to elaborate together with these initiatives and also with the support of external stakeholders a Vision of the Energy Efficient City of tomorrow and a corresponding Roadmap detailing the research directions in the ICT domain to be developed to support energy systems in smart cities.
Oct 2011 - Dec 2014
CIUDAD2020 es un proyecto Innpronta que pretende lograr un avance en las áreas de eficiencia energética, Internet del futuro, Internet de las cosas, comportamiento humano, sostenibilidad medioambiental y movilidad y transporte, con el objetivo de diseñar la ciudad del futuro, sostenible, inteligente y eficiente.
Oct 2008 - Sep 2012
España Virtual es un proyecto de I+D, subvencionado por el CDTI
dentro del programa Ingenio 2010, orientado a la definición de la
arquitectura, protocolos y estándares de la futura Internet 3D, con un
foco especial en lo relativo a visualización 3D, inmersión en mundos
virtuales, interacción entre usuarios y a la introducción de aspectos
semánticos, sin dejar de lado el estudio y maduración de las tecnologías
para el procesamiento masivo y almacenamiento de datos geográficos.
Jun 2009 - May 2012
The goal of the SEALS project is to provide an independent, open, scalable, extensible and sustainable
infrastructure (the SEALS Platform) that allows the remote evaluation of semantic technologies
thereby providing an objective comparison of the different existing semantic technologies. This will
allow researchers and users to effectively compare the available technologies, helping them to select
appropriate technologies and advancing the state of the art through continuous evaluation.
Mar 2008 - Dec 2011
El objetivo del proyecto mIO! es hacer realidad las tecnologías que
permiten prestar servicios ubicuos en un entorno inteligente y adaptado
a cada individuo y su contexto, usando el terminal móvil como base de
interacción tanto con servicios proporcionados por empresas, como con
microservicios creados y prestados por los propios usuarios en
Sep 2008 - Aug 2011
The main objective of the SemsorGrid4Env project is to specify,
design, implement, evaluate and deploy a service-oriented architecture
and middleware which allows application developers to build open
large-scale semantic-based sensor network grids for environmental
management. Such architecture and middleware will enable the rapid
development of thin applications (e.g., mashups) that require real-world
real-time data coming from heterogeneous sensor networks.
Mar 2006 - Feb 2010
The aim of NeOn is to create the first ever service-oriented, open
infrastructure, and associated methodology, to support the development
life-cycle of such a new generation of semantic applications, with the
overall goal of extending the state of the art with economically viable
(TSI2006-26928-E y TSI2007-29712-E)
Dec 2006 - Oct 2008
La red temática en Web Semántica tiene como finalidad facilitar el
intercambio y transferencia de conocimientos sobre Ontologías y Web
Semántica entre: grupos nacionales de investigación pertenecientes a todo tipo
de entidades que realizan investigación (Universidades, Organismos
Públicos de Investigación, Centros privados de I+D, Centros
tecnológicos, Administraciones, Empresas, etc.) e investigadores españoles que se encuentran actualmente realizando su actividad investigadora en el extranjero.
Jan 2004 - Dec 2007
The aim of this project is to produce a network of distributed and
interoperable semantic services, that allow to build more complex ones.
These services will be available in semantic web service libraries, so
they can be invoked by any other system (semantic portals, software
agents, etc.).
Jan 2004 - Dec 2007
The mission of KnowledgeWeb is to strengthen the European industry
and service providers in one of the most important areas of current
computer technology: Semantic Web enabled E-work and E-commerce. The
project concentrates its efforts around the outreach of this technology
to industry. Naturally, this includes education and research efforts to
ensure the durability of impact and support of industry.
Sep 2004 - Aug 2007
One of the greatest challenges we now face in Grid Computing regards
the ability to explicitly share and deploy knowledge to be used for the
development of innovative Grid infrastructure, and for Grid
applications - the Semantic Grid. To address this challenge the OntoGrid
project will produce the technological infrastructure for the rapid
prototyping and development of knowledge-intensive distributed open
services for the Semantic Grid.
Oct 2004 - Feb 2005
One of the biggest problems we nowadays face in the information
society is information overload. The Semantic Web aims to overcome this
problem by adding meaning to the Web, which can be exploited by software
agents to whom people can delegate tasks. The aim of Esperonto is to
bridge the gap between the actual World Wide Web and the Semantic Web by
providing a service to upgrade existing content to Semantic Web